In January, with our partner Eduardo Smith of Agromarine, we visited the beautiful organic grape farm La Capilla, near Santiago de Chile. There we met Jean Bodeguer, a passionate organic grower with decades of experience in grape growing.
On his small-scale family farm, he grows the varieties Sable, Crimson and Allison with care and skill. To offer an even wider range of organic grapes from Chile in the future, plans are already being made to grow new varieties.
From the end of March, we expect the first organic black and red grapes from La Capilla. The season runs until the end of May and starts with Sable (black grapes), followed by Crimson and Allison (red grapes).
The outlook for this season is promising:
✔ Excellent colour development due to colder nights and refined growing techniques.
✔ Better colouring than last season, making the grapes even more appealing.
✔ Seamless transition from South Africa to Chile, with no supply gap.
✔ Longer availability of red organic grapes, thanks to the Chilean harvest.
With this strong start to the Chilean season and La Capilla's high-quality organic crop, we are ensuring a stable and attractive supply of organic grapes for the European market.
Want to know more or order? Get in touch with us!